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What is the difference between BBL and Forever Young BBL?

BBL, which stands for “broadband light”, is a corrective treatment for patients who wish to treat the red or brown tones in their skin. BBL is an overall deep correction of the skin tone that can get you back to a great starting point in your long-term care plan! Typically, we recommend a series of three corrective BBL treatments.

Forever Young BBL is a technology we can implement into a maintenance program that follows this series of corrective BBL treatments. We also utilize Forever Young BBL for those that already have an even skin tone but want to maintain results from other treatments, or reverse other signs of aging.

Similar to a corrective BBL treatment, the Forever Young BBL treats residual reds and browns in the skin. However, this particular treatment focuses more on stimulating collagen and improving the texture and clarity of the skin over a longer period of time. During your initial consultation, your aesthetician will determine how many treatments will work best for your overall goals, budget, and lifestyle.


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