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A woman gets a RF microneedling skin treatment in Indianapolis


Remodeling your skin from within: Why RF Microneedling is gaining face time

From fine lines and uneven texture, to acne scars, stretch-marks and enlarged pores, the latest skin rejuvenation procedure in Indianapolis is here and it works for just about any skin type and tone.


Microneedling with radio frequency (RF) is the latest in anti-aging skincare technology to address the common signs of aging and sun damage on the face and body while remodeling your skin from within and restoring your youthful glow.
You may have heard of traditional Microneedling which uses multiple, fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating the body’s own healing response to produce collagen and elastin. RF Microneedling adds the element of radiofrequency to the traditional Microneedling procedure. This technology delivers energy deep into the dermis which heats the underlying layers of skin. This creates stimulation of collagen and elastin resulting in tightening of the skin over a period of time. With the combination of RF energy and the deeper delivery method, RF Microneedling can produce faster, more dramatic results than traditional Microneedling.
We get it, hearing the word “needles” doesn’t sound like the most relaxing experience, however, a topical anesthetic is applied prior to treatment to ensure your comfort during this quick and easy process. Most patients report feeling some heat and/or a warm needle prick. Once patients learn a little more about the benefits of RF Microneedling and start experiencing their own results, the minimal discomfort is long forgotten and they are eager for the continued perks this procedure has to offer.



Let’s take a closer look at how RF Microneedling works:



Step 1: The applicator is placed on the skin’s surface and micro-needles smoothly penetrate through the surface of the skin, creating small micro-channels with uniform placement.

Step 2: Delivered RF energy is released to the targeted areas through the tip of the micro-needles.

Step 3: Collagen and elastin cells are gathered surrounding the needle insertion areas and new tissue regeneration and remodeling begins

RF Microneedling offers a new dimension to treating common skin concerns with less downtime than some laser treatments (and less pain!) After the treatment, your skin will appear pink or “flushed”, which will lessen over the next few days following your treatment. Patients who need a more aggressive treatment may experience more pinkness or possible swelling. You can resume normal activities immediately after your treatment, but be cautious to stay out of the sun! Results will vary by person and occur gradually over time. Most patients start to see improvement after their second treatment with final results seen about 3 to 6 months after the last treatment. With an at-home personalized skin care regimen and maintenance, you can enjoy your results for as long as possible. Of course, results are greatly influenced by your lifestyle, sun exposure, diet, and the use of effective skin care products. While you’re at Phases, be sure to ask your esthetician for recommendations on a great at-home skincare routine to enhance and maintain your results.


Wanting to take your RF Microneedling to the next level? Ask about our PRP add-on service to enhance your results! Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a Microneedling enhancement service that stimulates your own skin cells to generate collagen which is needed to repair skin damage and help you achieve younger, glowing skin.

Learn a little more about PRP here

Learn more about RF Microneedling here including pricing and before and after photos.

Call Phases Skincare and Laser Center to schedule your consultation for RF Microneedling today: 317-848-8101


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