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person recieving halo laser for sun damage


Get To Know the Best Laser for Sun Damage Reversal and More! | Laser Experts in Indianapolis

Laser skin care is a very popular treatment option. These days we can use the power of a laser for sun damage reversal, to treat signs of aging, address acne, hair removal, and more! 

At Phases Skin Care and Laser Center we have a variety of lasers available, which allows us to build customized treatment plans for each patient. HALO laser resurfacing in particular is a great way to give your skin a fresh start. 

How it works: HALO laser for sun damage

Laser resurfacing works by removing the damaged outer layers of your skin. The HALO laser in particular is very versatile because it combines both ablative and nonablative laser wavelengths.

Ablative lasers remove the epidemeral (the very top) layer of your skin where damage is most visible. Non-ablative wavelengths aren’t as aggressive, but can treat issues like acne and uneven skin tone (like freckles and brown spots from the sun). 

Both wavelengths stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which helps tighten the skin. The collagen induction from the laser also encourages your skin to create new, fresh cells which gives your skin a more youthful appearance. 



The HALO Laser is one of our more popular technologies because of the way it’s able to easily erase signs of aging and sun damage with minimal downtime compared to traditional lasers. 

Related: 4 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Lasers

Reach out to Phases to see how we can use the HALO laser for sun damage and other skin concerns!

If you’re ready to experience the rejuvenating effects of the HALO laser, schedule your consultation with our trained medical aestheticians today!

At Phases Skin Care and Laser Center we strive to make sure our patients feel comfortable and educated throughout their entire treatment process. We create customized treatment plans based on your unique needs and aesthetic goals. Whether that includes laser treatments or any of our BBL and IPL options.

Not quite ready for an in person visit? Try our virtual consultation tool to explore our other aesthetic offerings. You can self select your areas of concern and receive personalized recommendations right to our inbox.

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