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What is the cost of Ultherapy in Indianapolis?

We offer a variety of cost-effective pricing options for you to make the most out of your skin tightening appointment at Phases Skincare and Laser Center. Listed below are our typical pricing options for Ultherapy. If you have any additional questions about our pricing or about skin tightening in general, feel free to contact our office and we’d be more than happy to help.

Ulthera Skin Tightening: Upper Body
Neck (Jawline & Neck, No Cheeks): $850
Upper Face (Brow Lift, Crows Feet, Under Eyes): $900
Chest: $1200
Lower Face (Cheeks & Submental Area): $2200
Full Face (Upper & Lower Face Combined): $3100

Ulthera Skin Tightening: Lower Body
Knees (both): $3400
Abdomen: $3400
Inner Thighs (both): $3400


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