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emsella for men in carmel


Treat Erectile Dysfunction & Urinary Incontinence | Emsella For Men

We understand that these topics can sometimes be difficult to talk about. But the fact of the matter is that they don’t have to be difficult to treat. You deserve to feel confident and comfortable. Emsella treatments at Phases Skin Care & Laser Center can help you achieve that.


Emsella for men is a quick, pain-free, non-invasive treatment used to tackle urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction by strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor!

How Emsella works

Emsella utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor. 


Each Emsella treatment contracts the pelvic floor muscles more times than is possible through any other exercise or medicine, and helps to restore the strength and stability needed to stop incontinence. 


Gaining control of the pelvic muscles can also help you combat erectile dysfunction. This results in an increase in:


  • Control of penile rigidity and hardness
  • Control over time until ejactualation 
  • Length of orgasm


Take a look at how your treatment session will go at Phases. 


Each of our surgical and non-surgical treatments begins with an in-depth consultation. We value our consultation process highly because it allows us to truly get to know you and your needs. 


During your consultation, you’ll sit down with one of our highly-skilled and compassionate team members and we’ll gain insight on your medical history, unique concerns, and desired results. This will allow us to craft a comprehensive and customized treatment plan that addresses your specific concern. 


You’ll also be able to ask any questions you might have about the treatment during this time, and we would be more than happy to answer them.


The Emsella treatment itself is incredibly straightforward. You’ll arrive at our offices and we will guide you to our treatment room. You’ll sit on the Emsella chair fully-clothed and simply let the chair work its magic.


Each session typically takes around half an hour, and during this time you are welcome to read, listen to music, or just lay back and relax!


Emsella requires absolutely no downtime. You are welcome to return to all normal activities immediately following the treatment!

Follow-up and results

We recommend a series of about 6 Emsella treatment sessions for optimal results. We’ll discuss the exact timeline of your treatment during your initial consultation, but typically we space these sessions out about twice a week. 

Schedule a consultation

Come see us for a consultation at our discreet and comfortable office. We understand how erectile dysfunction and incontinence can affect your life. Take control again, and schedule an appointment today for Emsella for men!


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